Ogg Vorbis & Metempsychosis
Some of the releases on metempsychosis will now be encoded using
the Ogg Vorbis format. Not all releases, but some, just to test
the acceptance of the format and to see how we like it. Essentially
we are putting the format through a trial period.
What Is Ogg Vorbis?
Ogg Vorbis is an lossy audio compression format. It is used to make
large sound files smaller, so that they can then be more easily
transported over the internet. In essence, Ogg Vorbis is similar
to MP3, but with some differences.
MP3 vs. Ogg Vorbis
So what makes Ogg Vorbis so good? Why is it better then MP3?
Well, even though Ogg Vorbis and MP3 use the same principles for
compressing audio, the way they do it is different, with different
results. We won't go into technical details, but suffice to say,
that generally the sound quality to file size ratio is much better
when compared to MP3.
If we use Ogg Vobis we can get a much better sounding song, with
a smaller file size. A bonus for you guys. Better sound quality
is always... better.
Also, Ogg is completely free. It has been developed and released
under an open source licence. This means that anyone can use it
for any reason, with few restrictions. MP3 on the other hand is
not free.
Lossy Compression
This is the means by which large sound files are compressed, or
reduced to a smaller size. Basically, it works by looking at what
sounds the human ear can't hear (Fig 1.), and removing them from
the recording (Fig 2.). Now, since there is a lot of this un-hearable
sound in many recordings, lossy compression can reduce the file-sizes
quite considerably.

Think of it this way; when you go on holiday, you may wish to make
your luggage smaller and lighter. You could do this by removing
the clothes that you know you wouldn't wear. Lossy compression works
like this, except it removes sounds you wouldn't hear from a recording. |