October 13, 2002  
Alright! Now the "Cartoons" button up top is working! I've put up my first couple cartoons there. These are actually my first attempt at doodling into a contained comic-style form. I am pleased with the results and I plan to keep at it. I also have plans to put out a little zine thing collecting all my doodles from my soon-to-be-ended college years. News as it develops.

September 29, 2002  
About to go to bed now. Tonight I saw the movie Group, at the Portland Gay n' Lesbian Filmfest, and it was very good. Intense, thought-provoking, and very well acted. I honestly was not sure if I was watching a doumentary or a fictional film. Turns out it was the later.

In more important news: I got myself an internship at a recording studio in town! The place is called Sound Impressions, and it's in North-East Portland. I am so excited! My first day was on Friday, and it went really well, I learned a lot. This will be an invaluable experience.

I'll try to get around to uploading my cartoons soon.

September 18, 2002  
I'm doing a little updating of this precious website. I want to work my doodles into the mix even more, hence the "cartoons" button at the top. Soon this button will be bring you, the viewer, even deeper into my demented cutesy world. Stay tuned!

Blue Fairy (Evil Cartoon Mix)

I Was A Lesbian Sperm Bank


SlowBeam (Goo Mix)




I Broke My Crayon (Comma's C-Funk Mix)



After the Beep

Maze Track


Dawn Over My Jetta

Boombox on the Sidewalk

My name is Matt Wright and I am a scared racoon baby trapped in the body of an elderly woman. Just kidding. I'm actually a (somewhat) well-adjusted twenty-one year old, reared in the magical forests of Northern California ("Pass me the water crystals, MoonBeam!"), and currently residing in Portland, Oregon. I like to spend my time exploring my navel, knitting, and creating my own dog calendars.

When I don't realize that my picture is being taken, I generally look like this.

I like to make music using my computer, and, lucky for you, I also like to put mp3s of said music up on this very webpage. I also like to take zany pictures and draw wacky drawlings, both of which are also on display here.

I am releasing (if you can call putting files on the web releasing) my music under the name Comma, which is why this webpage says "Comma" at the top. Of course, it actually says "Comma," but does that silly little punctuation make any difference? Well, yes. The title of the webpage is pronounced "Comma (pretentious pause)". Of course, you can leave out the pause normally, but not when you are talking about the webpage. This webpage is very artistic and important. Never forget this, as it is vital.

What else... Ah yes, if you haven't already noticed, I am part of this way superbad group of like-minded people called Metempsychosis. The site you see here is but one branch an ever growing... tree? Check out the main site for more good music. And, of course, I'd be way stoked if you'd e-mail me.